Zdokonjejće wjace - jednorišo a spěšnišo

LibreOffice je mócny běrowy paket; jeho přehladny wužiwarski powjerch a jeho wukonliwe nastroje wašu kreatiwnosć rozputaja a wašu produktiwnosć powyšeja.
LibreOffice wjacore nałoženja wopřijima, kotrež jón k najwukonliwišemu darmotnemu běrowemu paketej wotewrjeneho žórła na wikach činja

Swobodny běrowy paket

Swobodny běrowy paket, wo kotrymž zhromadźenstwo Libreoffice je 12 lět soniło

Přeslědźće jón!

Zabawny projekt

LibreOffice je jedyn z najpřećelnišich a najspěšnišo rosćacych projektow swobodneje a wotewrjeneje softwary w swěće.

Zhońće wjace wo nas a našich hódnotach

Wulkotni ludźo

LibreOffice je wjace hač softwara. Dźe wo ludźi, dźe wo kulturu, dźe wo wutworjenje, dźělenje a zhromadne dźěło.

Přidružće so dźensa!

LibreOffice je swobodna softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Wuwiće je wotewrjene za nowych sobuskutkowarjow a nowe ideje a naša softwara so kóždy dźeń wot wulkeho a horliweho zhromadźenstwa wužiwarjow testuje a wužiwa.

Čińće sobu!
Quick tip: creating “hybrid” PDF files in LibreOffice

Here’s a LibreOffice feature you may not know about: when exporting a PDF, the “Hybrid PDF” option embeds the original file. Then anyone with a PDF reader can view the file – and LibreOffice users can edit it too. Learn more about this feature here

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Insights from the InstallFest 2024 conference in Prague

Our Czech community reports back from a recent event… For the third time, the LibreOffice project had its own booth at InstallFest 2024, and here we present our experiences from the event. On the weekend of 16th and 17th March 2024, the InstallFest 2024 conference took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the […]

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Crash fixes part 3 – Testing crashes

I have previously discussed fixing crashes in 2 parts (segfaults, aborts). Here I discuss testing crashes to avoid creating re-creating regressions.

Why testing crashes?

When you fix a crash, you have to make sure that it does not happen again in the future. The key to achieve such a goal is to write a suit[…]

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Quick tip: creating “hybrid” PDF files in LibreOffice

Here’s a LibreOffice feature you may not know about: when exporting a PDF, the “Hybrid PDF” option embeds the original file. Then anyone with a PDF reader can view the file – and LibreOffice users can edit it too. Learn more about this feature here

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